Elza Design - Products made from fiberglass

Production of doors, interior doors, sinks, re-facing, furniture, bathroom re-facing, non standard furnishing from fiberglass

Doors, Sinks, furnishing, re-facing, panels


Pictures in category Furnishing

All 32 photos
A work desk
A vertical office table made from white fiberglass
A vertical office table made from white fiberglass
Studio tables
Vertical tables made from white fiberglass
Vertical tables made from white fiberglass
A bar
A bar counter top made from white fiberglass with built in diode lighting
A bar counter top made from white fiberglass with built in diode lighting
Module tables
A four piece table
A four piece table
Sitting area with a modul
Sitting area with a build in lighting
Sitting area with a build in lighting
Area shaped tables
Area shaped chairs and tables
Area shaped chairs and tables
Entramce space
A table with chairs build within the rail
A table with chairs build within the rail
A rail
A rail inside a night club
A rail inside a night club
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